Saturday, May 12, 2012


BOOM!!!! CRACK!!!! Lightning and thunder took their toll as the sky darkened. Bright, jagged flashes of light filled the sky. Just when it was looking bad, it got worse. A torrent of rain accompanied the orchestrated strikes of lightning and thunder. The rain was pouring heavily, and seemed to get harder minute by minute. It soon came to the point where the rain lashed down so hard that it filled up the streets. It was just too fast for the gutters to absorb this rain. 

The levels of rain got higher and higher until it was at the second floor window level of houses. You could barely see the trunk of the trees, only the canopy. The water level soon kept on rising until it consumed just about everything and there was barely a taste of anything left. It was all covered in a wet, frothing blanket.There was no trace of a once busy neighborhood, just water all over.It was like the beginning of creation again.Barren, lifeless, empty.


  1. Excuse me sir you did not write this I DID so back off or else I will report you to Google and have you not be able to access this blog!
