Saturday, May 12, 2012

Inspirational video

I recently watched an inspirational video about a veteran disabled in the Gulf War,Arthur Boorman, a Paratrooper, who had gained weight due to inactivity and the inability to exercise. He gained weight rapidly and at one point weighed 297 pounds. He had a leg brace, a back brace, canes, and leg braces. Doctors told him that he would never be able to walk unassisted ever again. All yoga instructors turned him away, except one. Diamond Dallas Page, also known as DDP. DDP did not know Arthur, but he believed in him and helped him through this transformation. Originally, Arthur had sent and email to DDP that contained his story and 2 pictures of him. DDP felt very bad and thought that he had to help the poor guy.

After I watched this video, I felt inspired. I knew never again would I doubt myself and the power of believing in yourself. This person, after being told that he would never be able to walk unassisted ever again, overcame it and was able to walk and run by himself again. This video instilled a feeling of determination in me and I now will try harder and never give up on anything.

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